6 Suggestions You Need To Follow After Invisalign Treatment

By Smile Avenue

If you’re wondering how to care for Invisalign, remember that it all comes down to the daily practice of your new habits. You may be anxious about making changes to your life, but there is no need to be. Our Smile Avenue Family Dentist has some suggestions for you. Suppose you can adhere to the following 6 suggestions. In that case, you’ll be well on your way to achieving excellent results and a healthy, cheerful smile:

1. Always Wear Aligners

You’re investing time, effort, and money in teeth straightening. You took a more convenient route by investing in Invisalign clear aligners. Now you must put them on. This may sound self-evident, yet it’s simpler to overlook than you think.

As your aligner regimen progresses, you may lose the motivation to wear your aligners as suggested. Please resist the urge to remove them anytime you want. This may result in a lack of progress, and you may be required to wear aligners for an extended period. Establish a routine early on, and remember to keep your aligners in.

2. Alternate Trays on Schedule

You’ll begin wearing fresh aligner trays around every two weeks—the new trays aid in straightening your teeth somewhat more than the old ones did. You’ll have a whole new smile on your face by the time you finish your trays. To do this, you must replace your trays regularly.

Our orthodontist in Cyprus will keep you on a timetable to ensure consistent improvement. There is an estimated end date, but it is not guaranteed. Many folks need an additional tray or two to complete their work. No matter how diligent you are, replacing your trays on time is critical to keeping things moving along at a constant pace and finishing on time.

3. Maintain Access to Your Previous Tray

When they go on to the next set of aligners, some patients discard their previous ones. After two weeks of wearing the same ones, everyone is eager for a new set of aligners.

If these individuals had retained their prior trays, they would be in much better form. Avoid this issue by maintaining last week’s aligners if your current ones are lost or damaged. By wearing the old trays while you wait for your orthodontist to replace your current set, you’ll safeguard your progress. Changing trays too soon might be uncomfortable for your teeth, so keep your previous aligners on hand if you lose your current ones.

4. Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Wearing aligners increases the likelihood of dangerous germs accumulating in your mouth. This may seem not very comforting, but a simple approach to counteract it is maintaining your regular oral hygiene routines. Your current behaviors will contribute significantly to keeping your mouth healthy and clean. After any meal or snack, brushing and flossing your teeth is critical for maintaining a healthy mouth. This results in cleaner aligners and fewer pathogenic microorganisms.

5. Clean Your Aligners

Are you looking to improve your oral hygiene throughout your Invisalign treatment? While using aligners, Clear aligners might be challenging to maintain. They may acquire an unpleasant odor and apparent evidence of stink, making them less inconspicuous. Your precise aligner-wearing pals may even wonder how you keep yours so clean.

6. Avoid Cleaning Your Aligners With Toothpaste or Mouthwash

Toothpaste and mouthwash are often seen in the restrooms of many individuals. While these items are excellent for cleaning teeth, they should be avoided while cleaning your clear aligners. Toothpaste includes nanoparticles of abrasive material that will damage plastics. The bristles of your toothbrush will aggravate these scrapes. This may cause your clear aligners to become foggy and obvious.

Mouthwash includes colors and coloring agents that have the potential to stain your aligners. This will transform your transparent Invisalign aligners into purple, green, or blue. That is the polar opposite of the result you want when using clear aligners to straighten your teeth.

Visit us for top-notch Invisalign treatment in Cypress. Feel free to contact us with any dental concerns at your convenience.

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